Working on inclusion means to involve in the creative process all those who have known and proven to believe in AlberghiAmoCi. Commercial activities, professionals and simple volunteers have gathered around the students of Alberghiero in Cingoli with their own manual abilities or providing materials to realize our products, all driven by the desire to make truly inclusive this virtuous mechanism that contributes so much to the growth of our students self-confidence.

Historic shop located in Macerata, with its beautiful windows overlooking Corso della Repubblica it hosts a selection of AlberghiAmoCi products. Every week our corner is updated with many new features.

Microbiscottificio combines the passion for gourmet pastry, care for quality and territory and the intent to enhance the infinite abilities of students with disabilities.

Anffas subsidiary which operates in the Unione Montana dei Monti Azzurri: from the cooperation with AlberghiAmoCi it strengthens the desire to help our students in building their own future in an inclusive and welcoming world.  




Handcrafted carpentry from Montecassiano, well known for custom-made furniture of every type, able to meet individual requirements. A precious collaborator for AlberghiAmoCi as a supplier of required materials.

Istituto Alberghiero di Cingoli_ IPSEOA Varnelli